Abstract Statistics
number of abstracts submitted - 291. Abstracts were reviewed
(blind review) by two international experts and a final
decision was arrived. Abstracts were selected in a stiff
Rate of
Acceptance: 53.26% Rate of Rejection: 46.74%

main theme of the Conference is
Crime and
Victimization are no longer confined to boundaries. Criminals
as well as their victims have transcended their borders due to
globalization and growth of modern technologies. Though,
illegal drug trade, money laundering, sex rackets do exist
before the globalized era the contemporary cases of Terrorism
and Cyber Crimes have significantly changed the crime and
victimization scenario. Internationalization of crime and
victimization needs to be examined in-depth and conventional
solutions have found to be ineffective. There is a need to
analyze global as well as glocal aspects of crime and
victimization and this conference is a move in this direction.
This conference will also try to redraw the boundaries of
criminology, justice and victim rights.
The major sub themes are
1. Terrorism and Extremism
The facet
of Terrorism has changed Post 9/11. In this context, there are
some vital questions which needs to be answered. How can
Terrorism and extremism which constitute a continuous threat
to the peace, security and stability be comprehensively
confronted by a unified and effective global strategy? What
could be a comprehensive definition of terrorism that is
acceptable to all? How do contemporary societies and
states, supply, people with personal security, societies with
economic growth, groups with social protection and individuals
with rights? What kind of guidelines and codes of conduct
should be developed by security agencies for observing
obligations under international law including human rights,
humanitarian and refugee laws?
focal themes -
Terrorism, Cross border Terrorism, Terrorism Laws, Sociology
of Extremism, Terrorists or freedom fighters? Victims of Terrorism, 9/11,
7/7, 26/11, Communal violence and Terrorism, Terrorism and
Identity, Terrorism and Labelling, Cyber Terrorism and
Terrorists Use of Internet.
2. Cyber Crimes, Laws and Security
Crimes, the most modern of all crimes have become a nebulous
issue to be dealt by many countries, due to the borderless
nature of cyber victimization. There are few questions to be
examined: Old wine in New bottles or New wine in old bottles:
Whether the Cyber Crimes are different from conventional
crimes or the cyber space is only assisting as a medium for
traditional crimes? Is ethical hacking really ethical? How far
is Cyber security a legal and a technical issue of crucial
importance for many organizations and the state? In the era of
globalization how do new regulatory security mandates emerge
as civil liability and security concerns? What are the legal
strategies and actions, which can and should be taken to
manage security compliance and risks? What are the Challenges
of Securing Knowledge Resources on Internet and Intranet? How
can Intellectual Property Rights be protected in the cyber
space? What are the Challenges of Policing Cyber space?
focal themes -
Forms of Cyber
Crime, Impact of Cyber crimes in the real world, Policing
Cyber space, developing cyber safety policy, intrusion
investigations, information security, Cyber Victims, Cyber
Psychopathology, Cyber offender behavior, cyber crime laws,
Privacy, Internet Fraud & Identity Theft, Copyright and
Intellectual property Law, and Issues of Cyber Security.
3. Crimes of Culture and Culture of Crimes
There are
distinctive social arrangements such as Honor killing which
promote the crimes of culture and thereby fostering a culture
of crime. The culture of crime is characterized by attitudes,
beliefs and assumptions. There is a need to identify concerns
about victims, anti-social behavior and how public safety
dominates social policy. Also there is a need to examine how
pluralistic societies abhors victimization women in the name
of culture.
focal themes -
Killings, Hate Crimes, Caste based discrimination, Youth
Culture and Victimization, Media and Crime.
Marginality, Social Exclusion and Victimization
and social exclusion have victimized many. There are oppressed
and suppressed groups in the society. These groups are
criminalized as well as victimized. Marginality needs to
examined from a victimological perspective. The practices of
developing policies to include marginal communities and
prevent them from further victimization needs to be analyzed.
focal themes -
Gender Victimization (including Transgender), Dalits
victimization, Homelessness and Victimization, Vandalism,
Structural Violence, Street Youth Victimization, and
Criminalization of poor.
5. Criminal Victimization in South Asia and Victimization
of South Asians in other countries
South Asia
has become a potential zone of international crime analysis.
Some of the Patterns of Criminal victimization are unique to
South Asia. Corruption, criminal violence, terrorism,
extremism, poverty, environmental degradation, white
collar/cyber crimes, violations of human rights, state
sponsored terrorism, crime against humanity, are some of the
major issues that place South Asia in the international crime
map. The new form of individual and collective victimization
of South Asians in other countries have become the focus
of media and academics. The realities, myths and fallacies of
victimization of South Asians needs to be analyzed from
aspects of cultural relativism, cultural imperialism, cultural
pluralism and cultural assimilation.
focal themes - Delay in Justice and
culture of impunity: Secondary Victimization and negative
impacts, Political crime and victimization, Human trafficking,
Corruption, Victimization of South Asians in other countries,
Rehabilitation of Victims and Offenders, Restorative Justice
Models, Victim support systems, and Indigenous redressal