Select Conference /Seminar / Webinar
Criminology: An Introduction,"
at the First International Conference on “Criminology and Criminal Justice”, held on
3-4, October
2024, at Sri Lanka, Organized by the Department of Criminology and Criminal
Justice, Sri Jayewardenepura University, Sri Lanka and International Institute
of Justice and Police Sciences in collaboration with the South Asian Society
of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
(Conference Chair and Closing Keynote
"Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and New Criminal Laws,"
at the one-week online certificate program on “Reforms in New Criminal Laws:
Implications and Challenges” held on 6th September 2024, Organized by the
School of Law, ASBM University, Bhubaneswar,
(Invited Key
Policing & Artificial Intelligence (AI): Predictive Models, Resource
Allocation and Regulatory Challenges,"
at the Online Short Term Course on AI and Law, held on 26th July
2024, Organized by the Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New
(Invited Key
"Legal Research Methods and Importance of Interdisciplinary Research,"
at the online Faculty Development Program for Law Teachers, held on 22nd July
2024, Organized by the Gitarattan International Business School, Rohini,
(Invited Key
Intelligence, Cyber Criminology, and Cyber Security: Symbolisms and Synergies,"
at the International Conference on “Navigating Emerging Cybercrime threats and
enhance cybersecurity measures: charting the path ahead”, held on 1st June
2024, Organized by the Saveetha School of Law, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
(Invited Keynote
"AI and the
Future of Criminal Justice" at the International Law and Technology
Conference on “Revolutionary Technologies and Evolutionary Laws: Challenges
and Opportunities” on 1st March, 2024 at School of Law, Mahindra University,
Hyderabad (Invited Expert Speaker)
"Cybercrimes, My
Experiences, and Way Ahead". Keynote Lecture delivered at the
International Conference on Digital Technology Vision 2030: Transforming
Healthcare, Education and Industry, SVKM’s NMIMS (Deemed to be University),
Shirpur, Maharashtra, India on 17th February 2024.
(Invited Keynote
"AI and
Law: Future Implications" Special Expert Lecture at the R.N.
Patel Ipcowala School of Law and Justice (RNPI Law School), CVM University,
Anand, Gujarat on 5th February, 2024.
(Invited Expert
Intelligence, Crime and Justice: Towards a Futuristic Criminology". at
the International Conference on Crime and Technology: Prospects and Challenges organized by the
Centre for Criminal Justice Sciences, Gujarat National Law University during
3-4, February 2024. (Invited
Plenary Speaker)
"AI and Law:
A Futuristic Exploration". Opening Keynote Lecture delivered at the
First Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Empowering Legal Education
Through Outcome-Based Teaching and Assessment", organized by the Chandigarh
Law College - Jhanjeri, Mohali, Punjab on 5th January 2024. (Invited
Keynote Speaker)
Victimology, Political Victimology" Two Expert Lectures at the
Enrichment Program on Victimology and Victimological Research in Criminal
Justice, at Saveetha School of Law, Chennai, on 18thand 19th December, 2023.
(Invited Expert
"Human Rights in
Cyberspace and Its Impact in the Physical Space", Invited Lecture
Delivered at the Indian Social Institute, Bengaluru, on 1st December 2023 as a
part of Human Rights Day Inauguration Celebrations. (Invited Chief Guest).
"History of
Capital Punishment," International Conference on Criminal Jurisprudence of
Death Penalty, at Saveetha School of Law, Chennai, on 15th September, 2023.
(Invited Expert
"5 Core skills
for the Digital Native Law Student," Orientation Program for 1st year LLB
Students, at Saveetha School of Law, Chennai, on 19th July, 2023.
(Invited Expert
"Law and Society in
the Artificial Intelligence Era," Webinar for the NMIMS Law School,
Hyderabad, on 27th February, 2023.
(Invited Expert
"Characteristics of
the Resilient Elderly" at the Online National Seminar on The Image of the
Resilient Elderly organized by the PSYFI, New Delhi on 11th February, 2023.
(Invited Expert
Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology & Victimology (SASCV)
held during 27-28, January 2023, organized by RV University and International
Institute of Crime and Security Sciences (IICSS)
(Invited Theme Keynote Speaker - Cyber
"Integration of
Cyber Technologies and Crime" at the International Conference on Law,
Science & Technology, organized by KnowledgeSteez on 8th January 2023
(Invited Guest Inaugural Speaker)
"Theories of Crime"
and Theories of Criminal Behavior" Two Expert Sessions at the Foundation
Certificate Course in Forensic Psychology organized by Sherlock Institute of
Forensic Science, on January 5&6, 2023.
(Invited Expert
Speaker) (Online)
"Strategies to
create awareness in Elderly Cyber Crime Victims" at the One Day Workshop
on Elderly Victims of Cybercrime, organized by the Sherlock Institute of
Forensic Sciences on 1st December 2022.
(Invited Keynote Speaker) (Online)
AGAINST WOMEN & CHILDREN" at the International Online Conference marking
the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women organized
by the Nelson Madela University, South Africa on 25th November 2022.
(Invited Keynote Speaker) (Online)
CRIME DATA IN INDIA" at the MOU Signing Ceremony of IICSS and RV
University on 16th September 2022.
(Invited Keynote Speaker)
AND MORALS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE" at the Faculty Development Program on The
Multi-Faceted Justice- Law & Beyond on August 20, 2022 organized by the
University Institute of Laws, Panjab University Regional Centre, Ludhiana,
along with Human Resource Development Centre, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
(Invited Speaker) (Online)
CRIMINOLOGY & VICTIMOLOGY: The Basics and Beyond" at the one-day national
seminar on Forensic Science, Organized by the Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha
University, Chennai on 1st August 2022.
(Invited Keynote Speaker)
"Why Publish? at
the International Online Seminar "From Research to Publication organised by
the Research and Publication Cell, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad on
September 9th, 2021 (Key Speaker).
“Overview of Victimology” "Protection of the
Rights of Victims of Insurgency, Terrorism & Mass Violence", "Individual and
Collective Victimization". 3
Expert Lectures at North Eastern Police Academy, Shillong, Meghalaya (1-2,
July 2019) for the SP Level Indian and Bangladesh Police Officers.
"APA Style in
Criminological Research"
Expert Lecture at the ‘International Workshop on Research
Methods in Criminology’, held during 13-14, July 2018 organized by the
Department of Criminology, Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
"Problem Oriented Policing: A
Proposal for Implementation in Zone 4, Ahmedabad City"
Expert Lecture at the One Day training programme for the
Police officials “Confronting the Security Challenges by Police
Organisation and Problem Oriented Policing” (28-03-2018)
at Gujarat
National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
“Explanations of Criminal Behavior.”
Expert Lecture at Sabarmati Prison Training School (08-05-2017) for
the Prison Officials, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
“Police and the Management of Cyber Crime
Victimization.” Expert Lecture at National Law University, Delhi
(10-03-2017) to the Senior IPS officers, Vertical Interaction Course on
“Explanations of Criminal Behavior” to the BA
LLB Students on 10th September 2016, Institute of Law, Nirma University,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
“Space Transition Theory of Cyber Crimes: Six years after”
Department of Criminal Justice, The University of Alabama, United States
of America, on 25th April 2015.
“Protection of Youth from Internet Crimes”
as an Expert Speaker at Elsevier Distinguished Guest Lecture Series,
during 27th to 29th January 2015 at Amity University, Noida, Guru Gobind
Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi and Indraprastha Institute of
Information Technology, New Delhi.
“Cyber Crimes and Victimization”
Department of Criminal Justice, Texas Christian University, United States
of America, on 1st December 2009 (through Video Conferencing from
University of Leeds, UK).
"GIS and Crime Mapping",
Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand on 7th November, 2007.
“Space Transition
Theory of Cyber Crimes" at John Jay College of Criminal Justice,
International Criminal Justice
Lecture Series, (Sponsored by the International Criminal Justice Major
and the Center for Cyber Crime Studies), City University of New York, New
United States of America on 20th February 2007.
Transition Theory of Cyber Crimes: An Introduction” at Lehigh Valley
College, (Sponsored by the Department of Criminal Justice),
Center Valley, Pensylvania, United States of America
on 13th February 2007.

Invited Expert
Speaker -
Conference on Criminal Jurisprudence of Death Penalty, at Saveetha School of Law, Chennai, on
15th September, 2023.

Theme Keynote Speaker - Cyber Criminology
and General Chair of the
5th International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology &
Victimology (SASCV) held during 27-28, January 2023, organized by RV
University and International Institute of Crime and Security Sciences (IICSS).

Invited Keynote
Speaker and Expert Panelist at the World Cyber Security
Summit 2022 organised by KnowledgeSteez at Maharishi University of
Information Technology, Noida during 29-30 October 2022.
1. Inaugural Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honor at Inaugural and Valedictory
Ceremony on 29th and 30th October 2022.
2. Expert Panelist at Cyber Security Dialogue on Cyber Security: Challenges
and Future Ahead on 29th October 2022.

Invited Panelist - Two-Days
National Seminar on Child Online Protection’ on 22-23rd June, 2019 organized
by the UnitedWorld School of Law, Karnavati University in partnership with
UNICEF, Gujarat.

Invited Expert by
the United Nations Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and
International Authorities for Victims of Terrorism in Asia-Pacific” held at
Singapore City, Singapore during 18-20, June 2019.

Invited Expert
the UNITED NATIONS Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Rights of Victims of Terrorism in
Asia-Pacific” held at Seoul, South Korea during 27-29, March 2019

Invited Expert by
the UNITED NATIONS Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Assistance and Support for Victims of Terrorism in
Asia-Pacific” held at Bangkok, Thailand during 26-28, February 2019 (Key

Invited Session
Chair at the International Symposium on Victimology and Criminal Justice:
Global Perspectives held during 8-10 November 2018 at Kanyakumari organized by
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University, Tirunelveli, India.
Invited Speaker
and Session Chair at the 7th International Conference on Victim Assistance
(ICVA) held during 26-27 October 2018 at OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat,
Haryana, India.

Invited Speaker
on “Neuro-Criminology”, at the Conference on Women Detention and Access to
Justice, held on 4-5, October 2018, at Shimla, India organized by Directorate
of Prisons and Correctional Services, Himachal Pradesh.

Invited Keynote
Presenter and Moderator on “Predictive Criminal Profiling”, in the
Security Today Knowledge Summit, held on 30th August 2018, at ITC WelcomHotel,
Bengaluru, India organized by Security Today Magazine.
Session Chair -
New Public Management,
PPP, Community Policing, Joint National Seminar on Police Structuring –
Enhancing Lean and Effective Institution organized by Gujarat National Law
University & National Security Advisory Board, Government of India under the
aegis of Police Academia Interaction Forum (PAIF) on August 21, 2018
at Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Chair - International Seminar on Urban Policing: American And
Indian Perspectives, August 20, 2018, organized by the Department of
Criminology & Department of Police Administration, Raksha Shakti
University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Chair -‘International Workshop on Research Methods in Criminology’,
held during 13-14, July 2018 organized by the Department of Criminology,
Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Session Chair - Crime, Law
and Technology, 40th Indian Society of Criminology (ISC) Conference on
"Dimensions of crime and criminal justice system: contemporary issues and
challenges" held during 19th to 21th January, 2018 at Gujarat National Law
University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the
16th International Symposium of the World Society of
Victimology (WSV) to be held at Hong Kong, China during June
10-14, 2018.
Plenary Speaker on “Cyber Crime and Cyber Criminology”, in the
International Seminar on Criminology and Forensic Science, to held during 15 –
16, December 2017, at University of Calicut, Kerala, India, organized by the
Department of Law and Indian Criminology and Forensic Association.

Speaker/Session Chair at the 6th International & 10th Biennial Conference
of the Indian Society of Victimology, 23-25, February, 2017, at Nirma
University, Ahmedabad, organized by the Institute of Law, Nirma University,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Chair – Juvenile Delinquency, 18th World Congress of Criminology
(International Society of Criminiology), 15-19, December, 2016, at O.P.
Jindal Global University, organized by the Jindal Institute of Behavioral
Sciences, O.P. Jindal Global University, NCR Delhi, India.
Speaker/Session Chair at the 39th All India Criminology Conference of
Indian Society of Criminology on 22-24 of September 2016 organized by the
National Law University Odisha, Cuttack Odisha, India.
Chair - Media and Criminal Justice, International Seminar on
"Criminal Justice System in India: Need for Systemic Changes", 29-30,
July, 2016, at Gujarat Police Academy, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat, India,
organized by the Department of Law, Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat, India.
Chair (Convener) -
Third International Conference of the South Asian
Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV), 28-29,
January, 2016, at Goa, India, organized by the South Asian Society of
Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Department of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
Member of the Academic/Scientific Committee of the
International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Crime Scene: Offender, Victim
and Bystander held at the Ariel University, Israel on March, 11-12, 2015.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the
6th International conference of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory
(IJJO) held at Brussels, Belgium, during December 3-4, 2014.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International conference on:
"Who pays the price? Society victims and offenders" held
during March 11-12, 2014 at Ariel University, Ariel, Israel.
Member of the Program Advisory Committee of the Third (22nd and
23rd November 2012), Fourth (28th and 29th November 2013), Fifth
(27th and 28th November 2014), Sixth (November 26 and 27th, 2015) and
Seventh (24th and 25th November 2016) Annual Conferences of the
Victimology Society of Serbia held at Belgrade, Serbia.
Keynote Speaker
at the 15th World Society of Victimology Symposium, organized by WSV,
Victims Support Australia, Angelhands Inc. and Australian Institute of
Criminology held during 5 – 9, July 2015, at Perth, Australia.

Panelist – Challenges to Criminology and Criminal Justice, World Crime
Forum-1st Asian Regional Conference - Information Society and Cybercrime:
Challenges for Criminology and Criminal Justice, June 20, 2013 at Seoul,
Republic of Korea.
Chair (Convener) -
Second International Conference of the South Asian
Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) 11-13,
January, 2013, at Kanyakumari, India, organized by the South Asian Society
of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Department of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
Discussant -
Opening Discussion: Focusing on victims of crime – Comparing crime
patterns and improving practice. Researchers’ advice to policy” (11th
June 2012, along with Victor Jammers, Policy Director, Victim Support
Netherlands, Beatrice Ask, Swedish Minister for Justice, Paula Teixeria da
Cruz, the Portugese Minister for Justice, Professor Jan van Dijk, the
Netherlands, Professor Vesna Nicolic-Ristanovic, Serbia, and Professor
Sandra Walklate, UK) at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium, held
during June 11-13, 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden.
Chair - Victim Perspectives in Asia, Stockholm Criminology
Symposium, held during June 11-13, 2012 at Stockholm, Sweden.
Chair – Cyber crime victimization: Beyond Boundaries, Stockholm
Criminology Symposium, held during June 11-13, 2012 at Stockholm,
Speaker and Chair of a Workshop “Victimology in the Academy”, at the
14th World Society of Victimology Symposium held during 20 – 24,
May 2012, at The Hague, The Netherlands.
Secretary -
International Conference on Exploring Linkages between Drug Usage and
Criminal Victimization, March 8-10, 2012 at Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu,
India. Organized by the Department of Criminology and Criminal
Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
in collaboration In Collaboration with National Institute of Social
Defence (NISD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of
India, New Delhi.
National Symposium on Cyber Crimes: Trends and
Issues, 10-11, March, 2011, at Tirunelveli, India, organized by
the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
Chair (Convener) -
First International Conference of the South Asian
Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) 15-17, January, 2011, at
Jaipur, India, organized by the South Asian Society of
Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) and Department of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
Panelist/Facilitator – Victim Protection, International Conference
on “Protecting Children from Sexual Offenders in the Information
Technology Era” organized by the International Scientific and Professional
Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice Programme (ISPAC), in cooperation with United Nations office on
Drugs and Crime (UNODC) during December 11- 13, 2009 at Courmeyeur, Mont
Blanc, Italy.